What's New?
06/06/06--After a long period of nothing, I've finally added a new review. You can read what I think of Guitar
Hero in my currently playing section.
12/12/06--Added a music games section and added a review for Metal Gear Solid
12/27/06--Added reviews for Grand Theft Auto III and Okami
12/28/06--Added a review for Final Fantasy VII
01/03/07--Added reviews of Xenogears and Panzer Dragoon
1/06/07--Added a review of Panzer Dragoon Zwei
1/09/07--Added a review to Panzer Dragoon Orta
01/25/07--Added a review for Grandia and Thousand Arms
02/07/07--Final Fantasy VII rewrite. Put up review for Eternal Darkness.
03/13/07--Added a review for Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories
03/24/07--Added a review for Star Fox 64
03/26/07--Added a review for the RPG classic Planescape: Torment